
Open Science, Data Literacy, Data Science


I completed my Instructor certification from The Carpentries and learned about evidence-based teaching methods and have taught over 50 workshops since then. I also received the trainer certificate from the Carpentries to teach core concepts in educational psychology and instructional design and their practical application. Besides teaching, I organize our workshops, develop new teaching content and coordinate our instructors at ZB MED. The Carpentries and ZB MED have always supported me in my desires, so I can do exactly what I love to do. Giving people new concepts that are in the spirit of Open Science with open tools and Open Educational Resources.

Training style:

Live Coding, Hands-on-Workshops, Video Introductions

Additional info:

In keeping with my profession today, I have always been a “PC kid” and loved playing games on the PC as a child and still love to gamble today, althouh I switched to console. To balance it out, I also like to be out in nature without a plan, preferably with my e-mountain bike. And when I’m not doing any of that, I lie on the couch with my cat and learn from her that laziness is a virtue, not only in programming but also in real life.

City: Cologne
Country: Germany
☑ Happy to offer services online
➢ Travel restrictions: Would much prefer anything online. Exception are courses in Cologne.
